Immigration Evaluations

Welcome to our specialized services for psychological evaluations in immigration cases. Our expertise lies in conducting comprehensive assessments that evaluate trauma-related symptoms and their impact on various aspects of your life, including everyday occupations, psychological well-being, and interpersonal functioning.

Whether you require support in asylum cases, extreme hardship (commonly known as I-601 or I-601A waiver) evaluations, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) cases, or U visa cases, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Collaborating closely with your attorney, our aim is to ensure that we provide the most effective support possible for your specific situation.

Our evaluation process begins with a pre-questionnaire that helps us gather relevant information and tailor our approach to your unique circumstances. Subsequently, we will schedule at least two sessions, which may involve a comprehensive clinical interview, a thorough mental status examination, and the use of self-assessment scales. By utilizing this holistic approach, we aim to gather a comprehensive understanding of your situation, symptoms, and their impact.

Finally, we will provide you with a meticulously prepared final assessment report that can be utilized in your immigration case. This report will serve as a valuable tool to substantiate your claims and support your case with objective, professional insights.

At our center, we prioritize your well-being and legal success. Through our specialized psychological evaluations, we aim to provide you with the comprehensive support you need during this critical process. Contact us today to take the first step towards a strong, evidence-based immigration case.